Information was published and recommended by NASP (National Associations Strategic Partnership) to have the safest possible driving lessons. July 2020. Edited for April 2021
Before the lesson begins
A text or call from your driving instructor to confirm you don’t show any one of the symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19), nor anyone in your household, support bubble or any person you have been in contact within the last 7 days.
The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:
a high temperature,
a new, continuous cough and
a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
Pay by BAC’s or by cash. BACS must have been paid before the lesson begins. Cash must be the exact amount (no change given) in an envelop with your name on it at the start of the lesson.
Before entering the car
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds immediately before leaving your home for your lesson or use hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is available if needed.
Wear clothing that covers as much of your body as possible, including your arms and legs. Especially during the colder months.
Meet the instructor by the car itself, and not by your front door, expect the instructor to chat with you at the beginning of each and every lesson before you’re allowed to get in the car.
All personal items in a bag, which is then stored in the boot during your lesson.
If the instructor is not 100% happy, they will cancel your lesson on the spot. Please don’t take it personally – they are just trying to keep everyone safe.
During a driving lesson
Hold any visual aids, pens, paper or training resources. You could bring your own notebook or drawing pad for notes and/or diagrams. Take a photo with your smart phone.
Wear a mask or face covering. I will not be teaching anyone without one. Face forwards, if need to discuss will pull up, talk outside and keep a 2 meter gap.
Wipe down the car’s controls if and when the instructor has completed giving you a demonstration drive.
No extra passengers are allowed
Keep windows open to help ventilation.
What you should do after your driving lesson?
Have our debrief outside the car and discuss about future driving lessons. Wash your hands as soon as possible. You may also wish to wash the clothes you wore during your lesson immediately.
What should your driving instructor do after your driving lesson?
You might notice that I haven’t driven off straight away from the drop off location. I will be cleaning the key surfaces inside and outside the car, which are:
Internal and external door handles • windows/mirror controls • seat/head restraints • seatbelt and its connection • gear lever • steering wheel• indicator and wiper stalks • car keys • training resources or any item you might have touched.
What do I do if I think I have Coronavirus?
If you suspect you have the coronavirus and have provided more than 48 hours notice, there is no cancellation fee and we can resume after 10 days of isolation.
However if you cancel with less than 48 hours notice and you can either:
Provide a negative result, lessons can continue and no cancellation fee.
Provide a positive result with proof, no cancellation fee and resume lessons after 10 days from date of positive test result.
Failing to provide a positive test result for canceling a lesson with less than 48 hours notice will automatically be taken off the driving instructors diary and no refund provided or tests being booked IF you do not pay the 48 hour cancellation fee.
Use a lateral flow test if you think you have one of the symptoms, results are usually within a few hours. Use a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test if you have one of these symptoms. You will need to wait a minimum of 24 hours for results.
PLEASE do not come for a lesson even if you think you feel fine. 48 hours notice is still required for any personal or work related cancellations.
If I believe I have symptoms of the coronavirus, I will contact you all immediately and we all should self isolate for 10 days. I will then try and get a test and if it is positive continue to self-isolate. If negative, then driving lessons can resume immediately.
If you agree with these newly added terms and conditions Coronavirus addition please let me know either by text, or email. Many thanks.